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  proyectos de investigación  
    curriculum vitae  
  Área de investigación | Research area  
    Teoría de Grafos | Graph Theory  
    Optimización Combinatoria | Combinatorial Optimization  
    Complejidad Computacional | Computational Complexity  
    Investigación Operativa | Operations Research  
  Diego de Estrada, Small graphs classified by thinness  
  Braberman V.A., Bonomo-Braberman F., Charalambous Y., Colonna J.G., Cordeiro L.C., and de Freitas R., "Tasks People Prompt: A Taxonomy of LLM Downstream Tasks in Software Verification and Falsification Approaches", arXiv:2404.09384  
  Bonomo-Braberman F. and Tilli D., "Fractional hypergraph isomorphism and fractional invariants", arXiv:2008.08499  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Brandwein E., Gonzalez C.L., and Sansone A., "On the thinness of trees", [pdf]  
  Trabajos completos | Full papers  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Brandwein E., Oliveira F.S., Sampaio Jr. M.S., Sansone A., and Szwarcfiter J.L., "Thinness and its variations on some graph families and coloring graphs of bounded thinness", RAIRO Operations Research 58(2) (2024), 1681--1702.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Brettell N., Munaro A. and Paulusma D., "Solving problems on generalized convex graphs via mim-width", Journal of Computer and System Sciences 140, 2024, 103493.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Nascimento J.R., Oliveira F., Souza U. and Szwarcfiter J.L., "Linear-time algorithms for eliminating claws in graphs", International Transactions in Operational Research 31, 2024, 296-315.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo-Braberman F. and Brito G.A., "Intersection models and forbidden pattern characterizations for 2-thin and proper 2-thin graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 339, 2023, 53-77.  
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  Bonomo-Braberman F., and Gonzalez C.L., "The generalized locally checkable problem in bounded treewidth graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 314, 2022, 53-80.  
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  Bonomo-Braberman F., Durán G., Pardal N. and Safe M.D. "Forbidden induced subgraph characterization of circle graphs within split graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 323, 2022, 43-75.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Oliveira F.S., Sampaio M.S. and Szwarcfiter J.L., "Precedence thinness in graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 323, 2022, 76-95.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Gonzalez C.L., Oliveira F.S., Sampaio M.S. and Szwarcfiter J.L., "Thinness of product graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 312, 2022, 52-71.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Mazzoleni M.P., Rean M.L. and Ries B., "On some special classes of contact B0-VPG graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 308, 2022, 111-129.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Chudnovsky M., Goedgebeur J., Maceli P., Schaudt O., Stein M. and Zhong M., "Better 3-coloring algorithms: excluding a triangle and a seven vertex path", Theoretical Computer Science 850, 2021, 98-115.  
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  Bonomo F., Oriolo G. and Snels C., "Minimum weighted clique cover on claw-free perfect graphs", Journal of Graph Theory 96(2), 2021, 231-268.  
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  Bonomo-Braberman F., Galby E., and González C.L., "Characterising circular-arc contact B0-VPG graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 283, 2020, 435-443.  
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  Bonomo-Braberman F., Dourado M.C., Valencia-Pabon M., and Vera J.C., "A note on homomorphisms of Kneser hypergraphs", Applied Mathematics and Computation 366, 2020, 124764.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Durán G., Safe M.D. and Wagler A.K., "On graph classes related to perfect graphs: A survey", Discrete Applied Mathematics 281, 2020, 42-60.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., De Estrada D., "On the thinness and proper thinness of a graph", Discrete Applied Mathematics 261, 2019, 78-92.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Chudnovsky M., Maceli P., Schaudt O., Stein M., and Zhong M., "Three-coloring and list three-coloring of graphs without induced paths on seven vertices", Combinatorica 38(4), 2018, 779-801.  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Koch I., Torres P. and Valencia-Pabon M., "k-tuple colorings of the Cartesian product of graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 245, 2018, 177-182.  
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  Bonomo F., Bresar B., Grippo L. N., Milanic M., Safe M. D., "Domination parameters with number 2: interrelations and algorithmic consequences", Discrete Applied Mathematics 235, 2018, 23-50.  
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  Alcón L., Bonomo F., Durán G., Gutierrez M., Mazzoleni P., Ries B. and Valencia-Pabon M., "On the bend number of circular-arc graphs as edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid", Discrete Applied Mathematics 234, 2018, 12-21.  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Koch I. and Valencia-Pabon M., "On the (k,i)-coloring of cacti and complete graphs", Ars Combinatoria 137, 2018, 317-333.  
  Alcón L., Bonomo F., and Mazzoleni P., "Vertex intersection graphs of paths on a grid: characterization within block graphs", Graphs and Combinatorics 33(4), 2017, 653-664.  
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  Bonomo F., Mazzoleni P., Stein M., "Clique coloring B1-EPG graphs", Discrete Mathematics 340(5), 2017, 1008-1011.  
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  Bonomo F., Catalán J., Durán G., Epstein R., Guajardo M., Jawtuschenko A. and Marenco J., "An Asymmetric Multi-Item Auction with Quantity Discounts Applied to Internet Service Procurement in Buenos Aires Public Schools", Annals of Operations Research 258(2), 2017, 569-585.  
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  Bonomo F., Grippo L.N., Milanic M., and Safe M.D., "Graph classes with and without powers of bounded clique-width", Discrete Applied Mathematics 199, 2016, 3-15.  
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  Bonomo F., Durán G. and Valencia-Pabon M., "Complexity of the cluster deletion problem on subclasses of chordal graphs", Theoretical Computer Science 600, 2015, 289-305.  
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  Bonomo F., de Figueiredo C.M.H., Durán G., Grippo L.N., Safe M.D. and Szwarcfiter J.L., "On probe 2-clique graphs and probe diamond-free graphs", Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 17(1), 2015, 187-200.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Napoli A. and Valencia-Pabon M., "A one-to-one correspondence between potential solutions of the cluster deletion problem and the minimum sum coloring problem, and its application to P4-sparse graphs", Information Processing Letters 115(6-8), 2015, 600-603.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Safe M.D. and Wagler A.K., "Clique-perfectness of complements of line graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 186, 2015, 19-44.  
  Bonomo F., Schaudt O., Stein M. and Valencia-Pabon M., "b-coloring is NP-hard on co-bipartite graphs and polytime solvable on tree-cographs", Algorithmica 73(2), 2015, 59-69.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Safe M.D. and Wagler A.K., "Clique-perfectness and balancedness of some graph classes", International Journal of Computer Mathematics 91(10), 2014, 2118-2141.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Safe M.D. and Wagler A.K., "Balancedness of some subclasses of circular-arc graphs", Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 16(3), 2014, 1-22.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G. and Marenco J., "Mathematical Programming as a Tool for Virtual Soccer Coaches: A Case Study of a Fantasy Sport Game", International Transactions in Operational Research 21(3), 2014, 399-414.  
  Bonomo F. and Szwarcfiter J.L., "Characterization of classical graph classes by weighted clique graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 165, 2014, 83-95.  
  Bonomo F. and Valencia-Pabon M., "On the Minimum sum coloring of P4-sparse graphs", Graphs and Combinatorics 30(2), 2014, 303-314.  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Cornaz D., Ekim T. and Ries B., "Perfectness of clustered graphs", Discrete Optimization 10, 2013, 296-303.  
  Bonomo F., Dourado M.C., Durán G., Faria L., Grippo L.N. and Safe M.D., "Forbidden subgraphs and the König-Egerváry property", Discrete Applied Mathematics 161(16-17), 2013, 2380-2388.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Grippo L.N. and Safe M.D., "Probe interval graphs and probe unit interval graphs on superclasses of cographs", Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 15(2), 2013, 177-194.  
  Bonomo F., Delle Donne D., Durán G and Marenco M., "Automatic Dwelling Segmentation of Buenos Aires Province for the 2010 Argentinian Census", Interfaces 43(4), 2013, 373-384.  
  Bonomo F., Giandomenico M. and Rossi F., "A note on the Cornaz-Jost transformation to solve the graph coloring problem", Information Processing Letters 113, 2013, 649-652.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Safe M.D. and Wagler A.K., "On minimal forbidden subgraph characterizations of balanced graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (13-14), 2013, 1925-1942.  
  Bonomo F., Catalán J., Durán G., Epstein R., Jawtuschenko A. and Marenco J., "Una licitación combinatorial aplicada a la provisión de Internet a las escuelas de Buenos Aires", Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas 27, 2013, 9-30.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G. and Marenco J., "Programación Matemática para asesorar a un entrenador de fútbol: un juego de fantasía como caso de estudio", Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas 27, 2013, 109-130.  
  Bonomo F., Marenco J., Saban D. and Stier Moses N., "A polyhedral study of the maximum edge subgraph problem", Discrete Applied Mathematics 160(18), 2012, 2573-2590.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Cardemil A., Durán G., Marenco J. and Saban D., "An application of the traveling tournament problem: The Argentine volleyball league", Interfaces 42(3), 2012, 245-259.  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Faenza Y and Oriolo G., "On coloring problems with local constraints", Discrete Mathematics 312(12-13), 2012, 2027-2039.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Larumbe F. and Marenco J., "A Method for Optimizing Waste Collection Using Mathematical Programming: A Buenos Aires Case Study", Waste Management & Research 30(3), 2012, 311-324.  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Delle Donne D., Durán G. and Marenco J., "Segmentación automática de la Provincia de Buenos Aires para el Censo Nacional Argentino 2010", Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas 25, 2011, 29-45.  
  Bonomo F., Mattia S. and Oriolo G., "Bounded coloring of co-comparability graphs and the pickup and delivery tour combination problem", Theoretical Computer Science 412(45), 2011, 6261-6268.  
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  Bonomo F., Durán G., Grippo L.N. and Safe M.D., "Partial characterizations of circle graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 159(16), 2011, 1699-1706.  
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Bonomo F. and Cecowski M., "Between coloring and list-coloring: μ-coloring", Ars Combinatoria 99, 2011, 383-398.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Marenco J. and Valencia-Pabon M., "Minimum sum set coloring of trees and line graphs of trees", Discrete Applied Mathematics 159(5), 2011, 288-294.  
  [link] [PDF]  


Bonomo F. and Cerioli M.R., "On the L(2,1)-labeling of block graphs", International Journal of Computer Mathematics 88(3), 2011, 468-475.  
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  Betancur Velasquez C., Bonomo F. and Koch I., "On the b-coloring of P4-tidy graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 159(1), 2011, 60-68.  


Saban D., Bonomo F. and Stier-Moses N., "Analysis and Models of Bilateral Investment Treaties using a Social Networks Approach", Physica A 389(17), 2010, 3661-3673.  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Soulignac F. and Sueiro G., "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect and coordinated graphs: superclasses of triangle-free graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(17), 2009, 3511-3518.  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Larumbe F. and Marenco J., "Optimización de la recolección de residuos en la zona sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires", Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas 23, 2009, 71-88.  
  Elías Costa M., Bonomo F. and Sigman M., "Scale-invariant transition probabilities in free word association trajectories", Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 3:19 (2009).  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Grippo L.N. and Safe M.D., "Partial characterizations of circular-arc graphs", Journal of Graph Theory 61(4), 2009, 289-306.  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Maffray F., Marenco J. and Valencia-Pabon M., "On the b-coloring of cographs and P4-sparse graphs", Graphs and Combinatorics 25(2), 2009, 153-167.  
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  Bonomo F., Chudnovsky M. and Durán G., "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect graphs II: diamond-free and Helly circular-arc graphs", Discrete Mathematics 309(11), 2009, 3485-3499.  
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  Bonomo F., Durán G. and Marenco J., "Exploring the complexity boundary between coloring and list-coloring", Annals of Operations Research 169(1), 2009, 3-16.  
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  Bonomo F., Durán G., Soulignac F. and Sueiro G., "Partial characterizations of coordinated graphs: line graphs and complements of forests", Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 69(2), 2009, 251-270.  
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Bonomo F., Chudnovsky M. and Durán G., "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect graphs I: subclasses of claw-free graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(7), 2008, 1058-1082.  
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    Bonomo F., Durán G. and Groshaus M., "Coordinated graphs and clique graphs of clique-Helly perfect graphs", Utilitas Mathematica 72, 2007, 175-191.  


Burzyn P., Bonomo F. and Durán G., "NP-completeness results for edge modification problems", Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(13), 2006, 1824-1844.  
   [link] [PDF]  


Bonomo F., "Self-clique Helly circular-arc graphs", Discrete Mathematics 306(6), 2006, 595-597.  
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Bonomo F., Durán G., Lin M. and Szwarcfiter J., "On Balanced Graphs", Mathematical Programming 105, 2006, 233-250.  
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Bonomo F., Durán G., Groshaus M. and Szwarcfiter J., "On clique-  perfect and K-perfect graphs", Ars Combinatoria 80, 2006, 97-112.  
    Bonomo F. and Durán G., "Computational complexity of classical problems for hereditary clique-Helly graphs", Pesquisa Operacional 24(3), 2004, 435-443.  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Resúmenes extendidos | Extended abstracts  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Brandwein E., Gonzalez C.L., and Sansone A., "On the thinness of trees", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13526, 2022, 189-200 (Proc. ISCO'22).  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., "What can weighted clique graphs tell us about graph classes?", Cadernos do IME - Série Informática 47, 2022, 19-21.  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Brettell N., Munaro A. and Paulusma D., "Solving problems on generalized convex graphs via mim-width", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12808, 2021, 200-214 (Proc. WADS'21).  
  Bonomo-Braberman F. and Brito G.A., "Intersection models for 2-thin and proper 2-thin graphs", Procedia Computer Science 195, 2021, 221-229 (Proc. LAGOS'21).  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo-Braberman F., Nascimento J.R., Oliveira F., Souza U. and Szwarcfiter J.L., "Linear-time Algorithms for Eliminating Claws in Graphs", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12273 (2020), 14--26 (Proc. COCOON 2020).  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Alcón L., Bonomo-Braberman F., Mazzoleni M.P., and Oliveira F., "On PVPG graphs: a subclass of vertex intersection graphs of paths on a grid", Matemática Contemporânea 48, 2020, 12-21 (Proc. LAWCG'20).  
  Bonomo F., Mazzoleni P., Rean M. and Ries B., "Characterising chordal contact B0-VPG graphs", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10856 (2018), 89--100 (Proc. ISCO 2018).  
  Alcón L., Bonomo F., Durán G., Gutierrez M., Mazzoleni P., Ries B. and Valencia-Pabon M., "On the bend number of circular-arc graphs as edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 50, 2015, 249-254 (Proc. LAGOS'15).  
  Bonomo F., Koch I., Torres P. and Valencia-Pabon M., "k-tuple chromatic number of the cartesian product of graphs", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 50, 2015, 243-248 (Proc. LAGOS'15).  
  Bonomo F., Schaudt O., Stein M. and Valencia-Pabon M., "b-coloring is NP-hard on co-bipartite graphs and polytime solvable on tree-cographs", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8596, 2014, 100-111 (Proc. ISCO 2014).  
  Bonomo F., Oriolo G., Snels C. and Stauffer G., "Minimum clique cover in claw-free perfect graphs and the weak Edmonds-Johnson property", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7801, 2013, 86-97 (Proc. IPCO 2013).  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Oriolo G. and Snels C., "Minimum weighted clique cover on strip-composed perfect graphs", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7551, 2012, 22-33 (Proc. WG 2012).  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Giandomenico M. and Rossi F., "On the Cornaz-Jost transformation to solve the graph coloring problem", in Proceedings of the 11st Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Munich, Germany, pp. 26-29.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Safe M.D. and Wagler A.K., "Clique-perfectness of complements of line graphs", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 37, 2011, 327-332 (Proc. LAGOS 2011).  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F. and Szwarcfiter J.L., "On weighted clique graphs", Matemática Contemporânea 39, 2010, 9-22 (Proc. LAWCliques 2010).  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Safe M.D. and Wagler A.K., "Balancedness of some subclasses of circular-arc graphs", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 2010, 1121-1128 (Proc. ISCO 2010).  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Nurmi K., Goossens D., Bartsch T., Bonomo F., Briskorn D., Durán G., Kyngäs J., Marenco J., C. Ribeiro C., Spieksma F., Urrutia S., Wolf R., "A Framework for a Highly Constrained Sports Scheduling Problem", in Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS) 2010 Vol III, Hong Kong, pp. 1991-1997.  
  Bonomo F. and Valencia-Pabon M., "Minimum sum coloring of P_4-sparse graphs", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 35, 2009, 293-298 (Proc. LAGOS 2009).  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Faenza Y and Oriolo G., "On coloring problems with local constraints", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 35, 2009, 215-220 (Proc. LAGOS 2009).  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Marenco J., Saban D. and Stier Moses N., "A polyhedral study of the maximum edge subgraph problem", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 35, 2009, 197-202 (Proc. LAGOS 2009).  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Safe M.D. and Wagler A.K., "On minimal forbidden subgraph characterizations of balanced graphs", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 35, 2009, 41-46 (Proc. LAGOS 2009).  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Burzyn A., Cardemil A., Durán G. and Marenco J., "An application of the traveling tournament problem: The Argentine volleyball league", In Michel Gendreau and Edmund K. Burke (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT), 2008.  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Grippo L.N. and Safe M.D., "Partial characterizations of circular-arc graphs", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 30, 2008, 45-50 (Proc. LAGOS 2007).  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Durán G., Soulignac F. and Sueiro G., "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect and coordinated graphs: superclasses of triangle-free graphs", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 30, 2008, 51-56 (Proc. LAGOS 2007).  
   [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F., Durán G. and Marenco J., "Exploring the complexity boundary between coloring and list-coloring", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 25, 2006, 41-47 (Proc. CTW 2006).  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Bonomo F. and Durán G., "Characterization and recognition of Helly circular-arc clique-perfect graphs", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 22, 2005, 147-150 (Proc. ICGT 2005).  
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Bonomo F., Chudnovsky M. and Durán G., "Partial characterizations of clique-perfect graphs", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19, 2005, 95-101 (Proc. GRACO 2005).  
  [link] [PDF]  


Bonomo F. and Cecowski M., "Between coloring and list-coloring: μ-coloring", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19, 2005, 117-123 (Proc. GRACO 2005).  
  [link] [PDF]  


Burzyn P., Bonomo F. and Durán G., "Computational complexity of edge modification problems in different classes of graphs", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 18, 2004, 41-46 (Proc. LACGA 2004).  
  [link] [PDF]  
  Capítulos de libro | Book chapters  
  Nurmi K., Goossens D., Bartsch T., Bonomo F., Briskorn D., Durán G., Kyngäs J., Marenco J., Ribeiro C.C., Spieksma F., Urrutia S. and Wolf-Yadlin R., "A Framework for Scheduling Professional Sports Leagues", in: Ao, S.-l., Katagiri, H., Xu, L., and Chan, A.H.-S. (Eds.), IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies Volume 5, Springer, USA, 2010, pp. 14-28.  
  Tesis de Doctorado | PhD. Thesis  
    Título: "Sobre subclases y variantes de los grafos perfectos (On subclasses and variations of perfect graphs)"
Director: Guillermo Durán
Fecha de presentación: diciembre de 2005
  Tesis de Licenciatura | Degree Thesis  
    Título: "Sobre grafos balanceados y complejidad computacional de problemas asociados a la teoría de grafos perfectos"
Director: Guillermo Durán
Fecha de presentación: marzo de 2002
  Libros | Books  


Bonomo F., D'Andrea C., Laplagne S., Szew M., "Explorando la geometría en los Clubes Cabri", editorial Red Olímpica, 1996.  


Bonomo F., Laplagne S., Szew M., Tilli D., "Competencias entre   Clubes Cabri", editorial Red Olímpica, 1998.